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Nina walks her little brother to school as the wind blows briskly towards them. Her shoes with well-worn soles let the cold snow seep into her socks. Her brother clings loving to her under her arm trying to share any warmth she can provide, as neither have on a coat appropriate for an Illinois winter. Nina can’t wait to get to school.  She steps through the doors with a sigh of relief, finally, warmth. She heads to class a picks a seat closest to the heat register. It’s hard to focus on fractions when your feet are frozen from wet socks. 

Children like Nina and her brother sit in the classrooms throughout our county with wet feet and permanent chill from the wind, day dreaming of warmer day.The Community Foundation of Kankakee River Valley strives to enhance the quality of life in Kankakee and Iroquois Counties today and for future generations. Your donations make a lasting impact in grantmaking today, and for years to come.

Through our endowed funds like the Community Stewardship Fund, we’ve assisted local area nonprofits such as Kiwanis Club of Kankakee which provides new shoes and coats to children countywide during winter months.

Every year, the Kiwanis Club of Kankakee orchestrates its annual Shoe and Winter Warmth initiatives, dedicated to providing new shoes and jackets to students in need. The selection process involves collaboration with school social workers from the Kankakee, Bradley, and Bourbonnais School Districts, who identify the children most in need. Partnering with Shoe Carnival and Bombas, the Shoe Project ensures that approximately 200 students receive a new pairs of socks and shoes each year. This collaborative effort relies on the participation of volunteers throughout the county, coming together to assist Kiwanis members in ensuring that every student finds the perfect fit, fostering a heartwarming atmosphere in these initiatives.

In addition to the Shoe Project, the Kiwanis Club's Winter Warmth project contributes by providing 150 - 200 winter coats to students facing chilly conditions. These efforts reflect a profound commitment to addressing the basic needs of students within the community, enhancing their well-being and ensuring they have the necessary essentials for their education and comfort throughout the year.


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